Luck Factor
Possibly the coolest feature of Raffle.
After minting $RAF tokens, users need to spend them to buy a "ticket" that grants them a place in the current lottery: you spend 1 $RAF, you enter the lottery with 1 basic ticket.
A basic ticket is assigned a Luck Factor of 100%. Luck Factor can never be lower than 100%.
If all users have entered only basic tickets in the current lottery, their chances to win are all equal (except if users enter more than one ticket, of course).
โญ Note: when we talk of "participants" we talk about ticket entries. If a user enters 2 tickets, we consider having 2 participants.
๐ฅIncrease your ticket luck!
If users wish to increase their chances to be winners, entering more tickets is not the only option, and not the most convenient: entering more tickets would mean spending more $RAF, which implies spending more ETH to mint them, together with TITANX.
๐ Luck Bonus: spend TITANX
At the moment of entering the current lottery, user is given the chance to increase his ticket Luck Factor by spending TITANX on top of the 1 $RAF ticket price. ๐คฉ This is the Luck Bonus.
Luck Bonus is priced 1M TITANX per 1% luck. If a user wants to double his ticket chances to win, he needs to spend 100M extra TITANX. If he wants to triplicate his chances to win with a single ticket, he can spend 200M extra TITANX. TITANX spent on Luck Factor follows the same distribution as the TITANX spent on $RAF minting (50% burned, 50% to Jackpot as initial standard, possibly variable as a lottery param).
Max Luck Bonus can change at each lottery. We could have lotteries with only 100% Luck Factor tickets and lotteries with tickets up to 333% Luck Factor or more.
๐ Ecosystem Boost: spend Ecosystem Tokens
Users that maximize their Luck Bonus by pushing it to current lottery limit, spending TITANX, can access the Ecosystem Boost: a feature that allows players to further increase their tickets luck at a super discounted price, compared to luck obtained through TITANX (Luck Bonus).
Ecosystem Boost is obtainable by spending whitelisted TitanX Ecosystem Tokens.
Luck from Ecosystem Boost will be initially 50% cheaper: to get +100% luck you'll need only the equivalent, in Ecosystem Tokens (e.g. HLX) of 50M TITANX instead of 100M.
The conversion (quote) between Ecosystem Tokens and TITANX will be done on-the-fly, using Uniswap oracles. Custom multipliers might be applied upon agreements, as a form of events diversification and tokens promotion.
๐ฅNote: every lottery setting is clearly visible before users enter the current lottery. Once the lottery has opened, allowing users to enter, settings are never modifiable until lottery ends and winners are picked.
Last updated