Still under review
Aspects ofthe project not yet set in stone and open for discussion.
💥$RAF minting price flexible
$RAF minting "ingredients" flexible, meaning that in the future you might need less/more ETH or less/more TITANX to mint one $RAF.
CONSIDERATIONS The last thing we want is that users mint a ton of $RAF in a temporary period in which required ingredients are set to be low, to be able to spend them later when ingredients are set to a normal price. This would create too many entrants not filling the Jackpot and reducing regular paying entrants chances to win. For this reason, this option is not really viable, unless permanent for a long time and really based on a significant change of market scenario.
💥Ticket price flexible
Basic ticket price flexible, meaning you might need a fraction or more than 1 $RAF to enter the lotteries.
CONSIDERATIONS There's the chance for the first rounds to be ran using a lower ticket price to get users comfortable with the platform. The downside of this is that asking for a fraction of $RAF to enter the first lottery will discourage round 2 users in participating, because there are circulating fractions of $RAF that could be able to enter round 2 without filling the Jackpot.
SOLUTION Make only 2 initial "warm up" rounds, setting the ticket price so that round 2 needs users to mint anyways (and fill the Jackpot), even if risking less than 1 $RAF:
Round 1 - 0.5 $RAF
Round 2 - 0.7 $RAF
Round 3 - 1.0 $RAF
Round 4... - 1.0 $RAF
💥Proposal of removing $RAF
There is the idea of completely removing the concept of $RAF tokens from the game and not having a project token at all.
By removing $RAF tokens, the following will happen:
Less ETH gas fees because user skips the minting part.
More flexibility in setting the ticket price for each lottery: ingredients can be adjusted at every lottery, without the risk of having users exploit the lower minting price. No risk of printing "un-spent" tickets ($RAF).
Whatever is spent for tickets goes for the current lottery Jackpot. Insted, using $RAF tokens as tickets, users could mint $RAF and spend it later: the minting ingredients went only inside the lottery Jackpot active when they minted.
No Repechage (1 $RAF cashback for one or more non-winners extracted after the winners)
No $RAF cashback for all the non-winners (see Repechage and Cashbacks)
No lottery tickets users can gift to friends
SOLUTION Repechage and Cashback engine could be rewritten without the use of $RAF tokens.
Last updated