$RAF tokens
Tokens as Tickets
Users willing to participate in lotteries need to spend $RAF tokens.
One $RAF grants user access to one "basic" ticket for any lottery, obtainable by spending it on the dApp.
$RAF tokens are basically lottery tickets, with basic 100% luck, that users can spend whenever they want.
Once a $RAF token is spent, it gets burned and it's not reusable. It's completely destroyed.
How to get $RAF?
$RAF tokens can be minted on Raffle dApp. A single $RAF token can be minted by spending 0,1 ETH and 100M TITANX tokens.
Liquidity Pools, market, token use cases
Given that the use case of the $RAF token is basically only the ability to use it as a ticket for a Raffle lottery, we are not going to create a Liquidity Pool and a consequently a market for $RAF tokens. The general user behaviour is supposed to be "mint $RAF -> enter lottery". Or maybe keep the token and enter another lottery in a second time
A cool use case would be gifting $RAF to friends, saying: "yo, I bought you a ticket for Raffle, check it out!".
-> UI for gifting $RAF is planned.
Last updated