👮‍♂️Ownership & security

Some considerations

Founder keeps contract ownership in order create new lotteries and set variations on new ones.

  • Owner has no access to any funds stored in the contract.

  • The contract is immutable, except for lottery parameters that can be set only when no lottery is running. Once a lottery has started (= is open) params are not editable anymore until current lottery ends.

  • In the worst case scenario in which owner loses his admin keys or his wallet gets compromised, funds in the Jackpot are not at risk.

  • The lottery draw can be triggered by any user as soon as the minimum participants number is met and the Hurry Up Time is exhausted.

  • In worst case scenario in which owner loses his admin keys or his wallet gets compromised, without owner control, no new lotteries can be opened, so not a big drama for users... we will deploy a new contract and update the front-end (website) pointing it to the new contract! 😜🤟

💥NOTE: there's a proposal for a governance tool that would let users create new lotteries and set variations / params. Check the relative section: Idea for a governance tool.

Last updated