Repechage and Cashbacks
You might be lucky in your loss...
Non-winning tickets can benefit from a repechage.
After winners of the current lottery have been picked, one or more non-winning tickets are extracted. Those tickets are gifted one or more free entries for future lotteries, in form of 1 or more $RAF tokens.
Lottery Example: Magic Number: 8, Repechage: 1 $RAF, Lucky Losers: 2 Participants: 32 ->
. ...lottery draw...zzz... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...zzzz... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . takes a lot of time indeed, and gas(!)... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 winners, splitting The Jackpot. 2 Lucky Losers receiving 1 $RAF each.
$RAF Cashbacks
Every non-winning ticket, that didn't benefit of repechage either, gets a fraction of $RAF token that user can accumulate until he has enough to spend for 1 ticket.
Cashback is initially set to 0.125 $RAF: every 8 losing tickets entered, users get 1 free entry.
Last updated