A summary.
💥Minting $RAF ingredients (ETH + TITANX)
ETH Distribution:
0.1 to 5% (variable) to User Gas Pool: a cashback for triggering lottery draw, which is a gas-expensive calculation done on-chain for security reasons. This will be set dinamically by owner to adapt to market conditions (gas price) over time. Complexity of the calculations also affect the gas expense, so Magic Number plays a role in the formula. The more winners we have, the higher the gas expense to calculate them. The formula for gas cashback is the following:
80-85% to current lottery Jackpot (if lottery is open), or to next lottery Jackpot (if closed).
8% to buy TITANX at market and push it into next lottery Jackpot. The more people mint in previous lottery, the bigger next lottery Jackpot will be, and the bigger the price impact on TitanX chart will be too.
7% to platform maintenance and further development:
Gas for setting variations for new lotteries
Gas for opening new lotteries
Team presence to do the above
dApp hosting and marketing expenses
eventually UI / UX improvements and development (stats, utilities, etc.)
TITANX distribution:
50% burned through TitanX interface, granting users all the benefits they can get from TitanX contract.
50% to current lottery Jackpot if lottery is open or next lottery Jackpot if closed.
💥TITANX spent on Luck Factor
Same as above: 50% burned, 50% to Jackpot.
💥Ecosystem Tokens spent on Luck Factor
64% to Jackpot
28% burned
8% dev, platform, marketing, etc.
💥$RAF spent entering lotteries
100% burned.
Last updated